Duncan Grove FRPS Photography: Blog https://www.duncangrove.com/blog en-us (C) Duncan Grove FRPS Photography (Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:36:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:36:00 GMT https://www.duncangrove.com/img/s/v-12/u993467630-o834889090-50.jpg Duncan Grove FRPS Photography: Blog https://www.duncangrove.com/blog 90 120 Sixth annual Exhibition of Duncan's large-format, fine-art Wimbledon Tennis photographs. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2019/6/sixth-annual-exhibition-of-duncans-large-format-fine-art-wimbledon-tennis-photographs  


DSC_0635DSC_063528 June 2019.

Hotel du Vin Cannizaro Photo Exhibition 2019
The sixth annual exhibition of Duncan's large-format, fine-art Wimbledon Tennis photographs opened today and runs until 22 July 2019.  Venue as always is the stunning Hotel du Vin Cannizaro on Wimbledon Common, home to many of the Great and Good from the international tennis circuit during the Championships.  It is a great place to enjoy a glass of champagne on the terrace and who knows who you might bump into?

See photographs of the exhibition here.

Read a magazine article about the exhibition and Duncan's work generally here.

Download a .pdf of the exhibition catalogue here.


(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2019/6/sixth-annual-exhibition-of-duncans-large-format-fine-art-wimbledon-tennis-photographs Mon, 24 Jun 2019 22:00:00 GMT
Duncan's Wimbledon tennis image published on the front cover of 132k circulation T&L mag. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2019/6/duncans-wimbledon-tennis-image-published-on-the-front-cover-of-132k-circulation-t-l-mag  

T&L July 2019 front coverT&L July 2019 front cover

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) . accredited Duncan Grove official photographer tennis Wimbledon https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2019/6/duncans-wimbledon-tennis-image-published-on-the-front-cover-of-132k-circulation-t-l-mag Mon, 24 Jun 2019 20:00:00 GMT
Duncan's work and photo exhibition featured in Time & Leisure magazine. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2019/6/duncans-work-and-photo-exhibition-featured-in-time-leisure-magazine The June 2019 edition of the 160,000 circulation life-style magazine Time and Leisure features an article about Duncan Grove FRPS and his photography. An extended version of this article can be seen at https://www.duncangrove.com/tl-2019-sw19-guide.pdf

This coincides with the launch of Duncan's Wimbledon Tennis Photography Exhibition, which for the sixth consecutive year will  be hosted by Wimbledon Common’s stunning du Vin Cannizaro hotel.   The exhibition runs from 24 June 2019 to 14 July so why not pop-along, enjoy a drink on the terrace and view over 150 large-format, fine-art photographic prints?  You never know – you may even spot a celebrity player!

T&L DG article June 2019T&L DG article June 2019

Duncan Grove FRPS's Exhibition of Wimbledon tennis photography at Wimbledon's du Vin Cannizaro Hotel runs from 24 June to 14 July 2019.

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) article Duncan FRPS Grove photography tennis Wimbledon https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2019/6/duncans-work-and-photo-exhibition-featured-in-time-leisure-magazine Sun, 02 Jun 2019 17:41:35 GMT
Duncan's Boat Race image published on the Guardian's Front Page! https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2019/4/duncans-boat-race-image-published-on-the-guardian-s-front-page Front page, The Guardian, 8 April 2019.Front page, The Guardian, 8 April 2019.London, UK. 07 April 2019. Oxford University Boat Club (OUBC) vs Cambridge University Boat Club (CUBC) Blue Crews.
Guardian Front Page
OUBC Blue Boat Crew (Dark Blue shirts):-
Bow: Charlie Pearson, 2: Ben Landis, 3: Achim Harzheim, 4: Patrick Sullivan, 5: Tobias Schroder, 6: Felix Drinkall, 7: Charlie Buchanan, Stroke: Augustin Wambersie.
CUBC Blue Boat Crew (Light Blue shirts):-
Bow: Dave Bell, 2: James Cracknell, 3: Grant Bitler, 4: Dara Alizadeh, 5: Callum Sullivan, 6: Sam Hookway, 7: Freddie Davidson, Stroke: Natan Wegrzycki-Szymczyk.


All of Duncan's images from the 2019 Oxford v Cambridge Boat Race season can be seen at  https://www.duncangrove.com/2019-oxford-v-cambridge-boat-races .

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) 2019 Boat Cambridge front Guardian Oxford page Race https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2019/4/duncans-boat-race-image-published-on-the-guardian-s-front-page Mon, 08 Apr 2019 19:00:00 GMT
Duncan's image on the front cover of 132k circulation Time and Leisure magazine https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2019/4/duncans-image-on-the-front-cover-of-132k-circulation-time-and-leisure-magazine Duncan works with the glossy lifestyle magazine Time and Leisure to provide vibrant images of the two major sporting events that take place in its region - The Boat Races and The Wimbledon Championships.  As in previous years, T&L have selected one of Duncan's Boat Race images for its April 2019 front cover, as well as other images for the Boat Race feature on page 60.  Click here to see the web version of the printed magazine.

T&L April 2019T&L April 2019Duncan's Boat race image published on the front cover of Time & Leisure magazine 2019.


(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2019/4/duncans-image-on-the-front-cover-of-132k-circulation-time-and-leisure-magazine Thu, 04 Apr 2019 21:50:05 GMT
Duncan's Wimbledon Tennis image published on front page of the New York Times! https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2018/7/duncans-image-published-on-front-page-of-the-new-york-times Nxxx,2018-07-05,A,001,Bs-4C,E2.pdf.0Nxxx,2018-07-05,A,001,Bs-4C,E2.pdf.0

Nxxx,2018-07-05,A,001,Bs-4C,E2.pdf.0Nxxx,2018-07-05,A,001,Bs-4C,E2.pdf.0   Nxxx,2018-07-05,A,001,Bs-4C,E2.pdf.0Nxxx,2018-07-05,A,001,Bs-4C,E2.pdf.0 Annotated notice boardAnnotated notice board

Duncan comments:-

"OK,OK!  Maybe this is not the most dynamic sports image ever to grace a NYT front page!  However, the NYT commissioned the shot and used several variations of the images on their inside pages to illustrate the points they were reporting on; they also kindly published one version on their front page.  I had to shoot at very short notice and was prohibited from using a tripod because of the crowds, who jostled and photo-bombed me throughout.  My NYT photo editor said "The hand-held Champions board photos were exactly what we needed".  

That's good enough for me!  Whilst the NYT have now published many of my images, this was the first that they published and amazingly it was on their front page.  I have already dined out on this story and shall continue to do so for the rest of my life!  When people ask if they can see my NYT front page image "since it must surely be a stunning shot", I simply pretend that my phone's battery has suddenly gone dead but confirm that yes I was rather pleased with it!  Well, it is in focus and the keystoning is OK - what more do you want?!

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) 2018 AELTC front page image Ladies Champions New York Times Notice Board photo photographer tennis Wimbledon https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2018/7/duncans-image-published-on-front-page-of-the-new-york-times Thu, 05 Jul 2018 22:15:00 GMT
Fifth annual Exhibition of Duncan's large-format, fine-art Wimbledon Tennis photographs. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2018/6/fifth-annual-exhibition-of-duncans-large-format-fine-art-wimbledon-tennis-photographs Duncan Grove FRPS's Exhibition of Wimbledon tennis photography at Wimbledon's du Vin Cannizaro Hotel runs from 25 June to 23 July 2018.

Wimbledon Common’s stunning du Vin Cannizaro hotel (temporary home to many of the great and good from the international tennis circuit) is for the fifth consecutive year kindly hosting Duncan’s Exhibition of Wimbledon Tennis Photography.  Why not pop-along, enjoy a drink on the terrace and view over 150 large-format, fine-art photographic prints?  You never know – you may spot a celebrity player!

A pdf of the exhibition catalogue can be downloaded here .


(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) "duncan grove frps" Duncan exhibition FRPS Grove photography tennis Wimbledon https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2018/6/fifth-annual-exhibition-of-duncans-large-format-fine-art-wimbledon-tennis-photographs Wed, 27 Jun 2018 21:00:00 GMT
For the ninth year, Duncan is an accredited photographer for the Wimbledon Championships 2018. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2018/4/accredited-photographer-wimbledon-championships-2018 _DSC9616-Edit 580 wide for exhib_DSC9616-Edit 580 wide for exhib10.07.2015. The Wimbledon Tennis Championships 2015 held at The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London, England, UK.

Men's semi-finals. Roger FEDERER (SUI) [2] (wearing bandana) v Andy MURRAY (GBR) [3] (wearing cap).

For the ninth consecutive year, Duncan has been awarded photographer accreditation for the Wimbledon Tennis Championships 2018.  This year he shall be shooting on behalf of the New York Times.  He is free to submit images elsewhere should there be a requirement.



(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) 2018 accredited duncan frps grove New photographer tennis Times wimbledon York https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2018/4/accredited-photographer-wimbledon-championships-2018 Thu, 26 Apr 2018 22:00:00 GMT
Oxford & Cambridge Universities Boat Race 2018 (and Tideway Week) images now online! https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2018/3/oxford-cambridge-universities-boat-race-2018-images Putney, London, UK. 24 March 2018.  The Cancer Research Oxford v Cambridge Universities Men's Boat Race.Putney, London, UK. 24 March 2018. The Cancer Research Oxford v Cambridge Universities Men's Boat Race.24 March 2018. Boat Race Practice Outing.

Oxford University Boat Club race Cambridge University Boat Club on the traditional Tideway River Thames course.

Crew list:-

OUBC Blue crew (Dark Blue tops).
Bow:- Claas Mertens, 2) Vassilis Ragoussis, 3) Will Cahill, 4) Anders Weiss, 5) Will Geffen, 6) Benedict Aldous, 7) Iain Mandale, Stroke:- Felix Drinkall, Cox:- Zachary Thomas Johnson.

CUBC Blue crew (Light Blue tops).
Bow:- Charles Fisher 2) Patrick Elwood, 3) James Letten, 4) Dara Alizadeh, 5) Spencer Furey, 6) Finn Meeks, 7) Rob Hurn, Stroke:- Freddie Davidson, Cox: Hugo Ramambason.
2018 was Cambridge's year but Oxford's valiant efforts did not make it easy for them!  Images from the entire Oxford & Cambridge Universities Boat Race 2018 season can be seen here .

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) 2018 boat cambridge oxford race universities https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2018/3/oxford-cambridge-universities-boat-race-2018-images Sat, 24 Mar 2018 23:15:00 GMT
2017 Oxford & Cambridge Trial VIIIs Boat Race images now online. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2017/12/2017-oxford-cambridge-trial-viiis-boat-race-images-now-online _D5A1029_D5A1029Boat Race Trial VIIIs (Eights) are the only opportunity either side have to race the full course from Putney to Mortlake with the Race Umpires, so provide an important test for rowers and coxes alike. They allow coaching teams to analyse the progression and potential and are often influential in final selection of crews for the Blue Boats.

The first Trial Eights race was staged by Oxford 153 years ago in 1859 and Cambridge joined the tradition three years later in 1862.

The crews for this year’s Oxford Men’s Trial Eights are as follows:

STABLE (white sleeves).
Bow. Jonathan Olandi
2. Charles Buchanan
3. Will Cahill
4. Alexander Wythe
5. William Geffen
6. Anders Weiss
7. Iain Mandale
Stroke. Vassilis Ragoussis
Cox. Zachary Thomas Johnson

STRONG (Blue sleeves).
Bow. Luke Robinson
2. Angus Forbes
3. Nicholas Elkington
4. Benedict Aldous
5. Tobias Schroder
6. Joshua Bugajski
7. Claas Mertens
Stroke. Felix Drinkall
Cox. Anna Carbery
_D5A0864_D5A0864Boat Race Trial VIIIs (Eights) are the only opportunity either side have to race the full course from Putney to Mortlake with the Race Umpires, so provide an important test for rowers and coxes alike. They allow coaching teams to analyse the progression and potential and are often influential in final selection of crews for the Blue Boats.

The first Trial Eights race was staged by Oxford 153 years ago in 1859 and Cambridge joined the tradition three years later in 1862.

The crews for this year’s CUBC Trial Eights are as follows:


Crew name: Goons. (Dark sleeved shirts).
Bow.Dave Bell
2.Peter Rees
3.Callum Sullivan
4.Reggie Mitchell
5.James Letten
6.Dara Alizadeh
7. Spencer Furey
Stroke.Freddie Davidson
CoxHugh Spaughton

Crew name: Goblins. (White sleeved shirts).
Bow.Rob Harris
2.Piers Kasas
3. Tom Strudwick
4.Gerard Kuenning
5.Charles Fisher
6.Patrick Elwood
7.Rob Hurn
Stroke.Finn Meeks
CoxHugo Ramambason

Boat Race Trial VIIIs (Eights) are the only opportunity either side have to race the full course from Putney to Mortlake with the Race Umpires, so provide an important test for rowers and coxes alike.  They allow coaching teams to analyse the progression and potential and are often influential in final selection of crews for the Blue Boats.

The first Trial Eights race was staged by Oxford 153 years ago in 1859 and Cambridge joined the tradition three years later in 1862.

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) accredited boat cambridge cubc cuwbc fellow of the royal photographic society frps images news official photographer oubc ouwbc oxford race universities https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2017/12/2017-oxford-cambridge-trial-viiis-boat-race-images-now-online Wed, 06 Dec 2017 15:30:00 GMT
Tuscany model / location shoot https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2017/9/tuscany-model-/-location-shoot 05/09/201705/09/201705/09/2017 05/09/201705/09/201705/09/2017 05/09/201705/09/201705/09/2017 _D5A0397-Edit-2_D5A0397-Edit-206/09/2017 _D5B2936-Edit_D5B2936-Edit06/09/2017 Duncan has just returned from a model / location shoot in Tuscany.  He was able to use backgrounds of deserted Tuscan villas, olive groves and the ancient city of Volterra against which to shoot his stunning model Mischkah Scott.

See full galleries of images here.

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) deserted grove location model olive tuscany villa volterra https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2017/9/tuscany-model-/-location-shoot Fri, 08 Sep 2017 15:45:00 GMT
Galleries of images from every day of the Wimbledon Tennis Championships 2017 now online! https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2017/7/Galleries-of-images-from-every-day-of-the-Wimbledon-Tennis-Championships-2017-now-o p2443117185-3


Galleries of photos of every match shot by accredited Wimbledon tennis photographer Duncan Grove FRPS during every day of the Wimbledon Tennis Championships 2017 can be viewed here.

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) "duncan grove frps" accredited fellow of the royal photographic society frps images news official photographer photos pic picture wimbledon wimbledon 2017 images wimbledon 2017 photos wimbledon tennis championships 2015 wimbledon tennis championships 2017 https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2017/7/Galleries-of-images-from-every-day-of-the-Wimbledon-Tennis-Championships-2017-now-o Sun, 16 Jul 2017 14:27:10 GMT
Duncan to again be exhibited at the Cannizaro Hotel during the Wimbledon Championships 2017. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2017/6/duncans-wimbledon-images-to-again-be-exhibited-at-the-du-vin-cannizaro-hotel _D8E5640_D8E5640 Located on Wimbledon Common, just a stone's throw from the AELTC, the du Vin Cannizaro is London's only 5* country house hotel. During the Championships it is home to the "Great and Good" from the international tennis circuit and many seeded players visit.

For the fourth consecutive year Duncan's Wimbledon images will be exhibited as large-format, fine-art, limited edition prints.  The exhibition opens on 26 June 2017 and runs for four weeks.

Click here for photos of earlier exhibitions and copies of the catalogues.


(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) 2017 cannizaro du duncan edition exhibition fine-art grove images limited prints tennis vin wimbledon https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2017/6/duncans-wimbledon-images-to-again-be-exhibited-at-the-du-vin-cannizaro-hotel Fri, 16 Jun 2017 16:45:00 GMT
Oxford v Cambridge Universities Boat Race 2017 images now online! https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2017/4/oxford-v-cambridge-universities-boat-race-2017-images-now-online _D5B5010_D5B501002/04/2017 London, England on the River Thames between Putney and Mortlake. The 163rd Cancer Research UK Men's Boat Race 2017. Oxford University Boat Club (OUBC) v Cambridge University Boat Club (CUBC).

Crew list:-

OUBC Blue Boat Crew (dark blue tops):
8 Vassilis Ragoussis (stroke), 7 James Cook , 6 Mike DiSanto, 5 Olivier Siegelaar, 4 Josh Bugajski, 3 Oliver Cook , 2 Matthew O’Leary , 1 William Warr (Bow), Sam Collier (Cox),

CUBC Blue Boat Crew (light blue tops):
Bow: Ben Ruble, 2: Freddie Davidson, 3: James Letten, 4: Tim Tracey, 5: Aleksander Malowany, 6: Patrick Eble, 7: Lance Tredell, Stroke: Henry Meek, Cox: Hugo Ramambason.

_D5B5032_D5B503202/04/2017 London, England on the River Thames between Putney and Mortlake. The 163rd Cancer Research UK Men's Boat Race 2017. Oxford University Boat Club (OUBC) v Cambridge University Boat Club (CUBC).

Crew list:-

OUBC Blue Boat Crew (dark blue tops):
8 Vassilis Ragoussis (stroke), 7 James Cook , 6 Mike DiSanto, 5 Olivier Siegelaar, 4 Josh Bugajski, 3 Oliver Cook , 2 Matthew O’Leary , 1 William Warr (Bow), Sam Collier (Cox),

CUBC Blue Boat Crew (light blue tops):
Bow: Ben Ruble, 2: Freddie Davidson, 3: James Letten, 4: Tim Tracey, 5: Aleksander Malowany, 6: Patrick Eble, 7: Lance Tredell, Stroke: Henry Meek, Cox: Hugo Ramambason.

_D5B4834_D5B483402/04/2017 London, England on the River Thames between Putney and Mortlake. The 163rd Cancer Research UK Men's Boat Race 2017. Oxford University Boat Club (OUBC) v Cambridge University Boat Club (CUBC).

Crew list:-

OUBC Blue Boat Crew (dark blue tops):
8 Vassilis Ragoussis (stroke), 7 James Cook , 6 Mike DiSanto, 5 Olivier Siegelaar, 4 Josh Bugajski, 3 Oliver Cook , 2 Matthew O’Leary , 1 William Warr (Bow), Sam Collier (Cox),

CUBC Blue Boat Crew (light blue tops):
Bow: Ben Ruble, 2: Freddie Davidson, 3: James Letten, 4: Tim Tracey, 5: Aleksander Malowany, 6: Patrick Eble, 7: Lance Tredell, Stroke: Henry Meek, Cox: Hugo Ramambason.

Rather than shoot from the main press launch Duncan had a privileged position on a Rib chase boat, which afforded him an excellent view of the race.  At the end of the race he was the only photographer to stay on the water during the trophy presentation, which he was still able to shoot from the boat.  

This meant that he was superbly positioned to capture the traditional cox throw-in, capturing the faces of the crew with the background showing a lot of photographers capturing the backs of the crew's heads!


See galleries of The Boat Race 2017 and the preceding Tideway Week here.

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) "duncan grove frps" 2017 boat cambridge official photographer oxford race universities https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2017/4/oxford-v-cambridge-universities-boat-race-2017-images-now-online Sat, 01 Apr 2017 23:00:00 GMT
The Times publishes Duncan’s Boat Race image. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2017/3/The-Times-publishes-Duncan-s-Boat-Race-image p2689072901-5

When turning the pages of The Times this morning, Duncan choked on his cornflakes!  On the editorial (not sport) Page 6 he spotted a prominently-positioned image from the Universities Boat Race Fixture that he had covered the previous day.

“Getty get published again!” he muttered bad-temperedly, “and as ever, not a bad shot”.  This started him choking but the real seizure happened when he saw that it was actually his own shot that had been published!

Getty are the Official Photographers for the Boat Race and their staff photographer who covers the Boat Race is hugely talented.  Given Getty’s contracts with national papers it is normally tough for a freelancer to get a look-in.

Duncan’s image probably reached The Times via a Picture Editor who focuses more on news rather than sport, which is why Duncan got lucky today!

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) "duncan grove frps" cubc fellow of the royal photographic society news official photographer photographer the boat race the times https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2017/3/The-Times-publishes-Duncan-s-Boat-Race-image Mon, 20 Mar 2017 13:05:42 GMT
Holland’s largest newspaper commissions Duncan to shoot a London Boat Race https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2017/3/Holland-s-largest-newspaper-commissions-Duncan-to-shoot-a-London-Boat-Race p2692280087-4

See all images from the race here.

De Volkskrant, Holland’s highest circulation newspaper sent their staff reporter Tjerk van Weezel to cover the “Fixture” (race) between their national rowing crew and Oxford’s Blue crew.  Covering the same Putney to Mortlake River Thames course as the Universities Boat Race due to take place in four weeks time, this was a useful rehearsal for Oxford.

Obviously, De Volkskrant also needed an experienced photographer to shoot the race.  Who better to turn to than Duncan?  The organizers did not provide a press launch on this occasion but Duncan was able to use contacts to secure the services of a skiff and driver, and thus he and Tjerk were able to follow the race from the water.

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) "duncan grove frps" accredited boat race de volkskrant dutch fellow of the royal photographic society news official photographer rowing universities https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2017/3/Holland-s-largest-newspaper-commissions-Duncan-to-shoot-a-London-Boat-Race Mon, 06 Mar 2017 09:56:34 GMT
Les Voiles de Saint Tropez sailing regatta images 2016 now online! https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2016/10/Les-Voiles-de-Saint-Tropez-sailing-regatta-images-2016-now-online p2219169886-3


Les Voiles – literally ‘The Sails’ – takes place from April to October each year across the French Riviera. Each race brings together some of the most beautiful traditional wooden yachts from the 1930’s America’s cup, alongside the most extraordinary modern sailing boats (such as the “Wally” Class) for week-long regattas in beautiful ports such as Antibes and Saint-Tropez.

Unlike the stormy weather during the 2015  regatta, this year conditions were much more what one expects from St Tropez.  Waterproofs and camera covers were still required when shooting but at least it was warm!

(Duncan specifically shoots this event as compensation for so many days earlier each year spent bobbing about on a freezing River Thames shooting the Universities Boat Race!)

See Les Voiles de St Tropez 2016 galleries here.

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) "duncan grove frps" 2016 accredited admirals cup boat race cotes d'azure fellow of the royal photographic society fellowship of the royal photographic society french frps glamour les voiles de saint tropez news race racing regatta riviera sailing sport yacht yachts https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2016/10/Les-Voiles-de-Saint-Tropez-sailing-regatta-images-2016-now-online Sun, 02 Oct 2016 11:40:13 GMT
International Tennis Magazine publishes Duncan's "TImea" image double-page. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2016/8/international-tennis-magazine-publish-duncans-timea-image-double-page Timea ITM from webTimea ITM from web

_D5A3173_D5A3173Centre Court just a little earlier in the afternoon!

Duncan's client International Tennis Magazine (ITM) planned a feature on Timea Bacsinszky for their post-Wimbledon edition so briefed Duncan to capture some shots.  This he did but all Timea's matches seemed to take place in gloomy light conditions!  On the first Friday - a mainly rainy day (see the lower Centre Court image shot earlier in the afternoon) -  Duncan left a still-covered Centre Court  to shoot Timea on an outdoor court, expecting to capture yet more gloomy shots.  

Suddenly the clouds parted and for a brief 20 minutes allowed through some lovely, golden, late afternoon sunshine!

Read the ITM Timea Bacsinszky article here

See the Timea Bacsinszky "golden light" gallery here.



(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) "duncan grove frps" 2016 accredited bacsinszky fellow of the royal photographic society frps timea wimbledon https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2016/8/international-tennis-magazine-publish-duncans-timea-image-double-page Mon, 01 Aug 2016 22:30:00 GMT
Galleries of images from every day of the Wimbledon Tennis Championships 2016 now online! https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2016/7/Galleries-of-images-from-every-day-of-the-Wimbledon-Tennis-Championships-2016-now-o p1983923505-3

Galleries of photos of every match shot by accredited Wimbledon tennis photographer Duncan Grove FRPS during every day of the Wimbledon Tennis Championships 2016 can be viewed here.


(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) "duncan grove frps" accredited accredited photographer fellow of the royal photographic society frps images news official photographer official wimbledon tennis photographer photos pic picture wimbledon wimbledon tennis championships 2016 wimbledon tennis images 2016 wimbledon tennis photos 2016 https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2016/7/Galleries-of-images-from-every-day-of-the-Wimbledon-Tennis-Championships-2016-now-o Sun, 10 Jul 2016 11:34:06 GMT
International Tennis Magazine selects three of Duncan's images to illustrate their coaching article. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2016/7/ITM-publishes-3-of-Duncans-wimbledon-images Click to read article.ITM Coaching & Instruction July 2016 The top left image is probably particularly relevant to the article!  Click here to read it.

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) "duncan grove frps" accredited becker boris coach djokovic fellow of the royal photographic society frps images news novak official photographer tennis wimbledon https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2016/7/ITM-publishes-3-of-Duncans-wimbledon-images Fri, 01 Jul 2016 21:30:00 GMT
Duncan to again be exhibited at the Cannizaro Hotel during the Wimbledon Championships 2016. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2016/6/duncan-to-again-be-exhibited-at-the-cannizaro-hotel-during-the-wimbledon-2016 _D8E2315_D8E231529.06.2014. The Wimbledon Tennis Championships 2014 held at The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London, England, UK.

Middle Sunday. The Cannizaro House Hotel (London's only 5* Country House Hotel and minutes from the AELTC) features a unique one-man exhibition of 75 limited edition fine art prints by Wimbledon tennis photographer Duncan Grove FRPS.

Andy Murray and Jo-Wilfried Tsonga have already visited and signed prints.

Located on Wimbledon Common, just a stone's throw from the AELTC, the du Vin Cannizaro is London's only 5* country house hotel. During the Championships it is home to many of the "Great and Good from the tennis circuit and many seeded players visit.

For the third consecutive year Duncan's Wimbledon images will be exhibited as large-format, fine-art, limited edition prints.  The exhibition opens on 20 June 2016 and runs for four weeks.

Click here for photos of earlier exhibitions and copies of the catalogues.

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) 2016 cannizaro du duncan edition exhibition fine-art grove images limited prints tennis vin wimbledon https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2016/6/duncan-to-again-be-exhibited-at-the-cannizaro-hotel-during-the-wimbledon-2016 Fri, 10 Jun 2016 17:15:00 GMT
Duncan captures from his office window Andy Murray practicing with his coach. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2016/6/Duncan-captures-from-his-office-window-Andy-Murray-practicing-with-his-coach Andy Murray practicing.p2693554419-3

Andy Murray & Jamie Dalgado practicing on the AELTC courts (shot from Duncan’s office window).


Andy Murray (left) kindly signing Duncan Grove’s (right) new Wimbledon Tennis photo book. Image courtesy of Heathcliff O’Malley Photography.


Duncan Grove Photography operates out of the ground floor of this converted gothic mansion, immediately adjacent to the AELTC and overlooking their Aorangi practice courts.


Duncan’s office (image 1).


Duncan’s office (image 2).

DGP_Wimbledon satelite viewDGP_Wimbledon satelite view Duncan Grove Photography operates from impressive  premises immediately adjacent to the AELTC and directly overlooking their Aorangi Practice Courts.  Duncan often hears the gentle thwacking of tennis balls as Members practice.  One morning whilst sat at his desk he suddenly hears several aggressive “THERWACK, THERWACKs“!  Looking out of his window, Duncan saw Andy Murray practicing with his coach Jamie Dalgedo, just 25M away.

He swiftly took a few shots, purposely including the window frames in order to prove the shooting location to his mates!  He then went outside and started shooting over the fence.  This was perfectly legitimate but as an accredited Wimbledon photographer there was obviously no way that Duncan would want to upset a Wimbledon Champion.  Andy stopped playing and walked over.  “Here we go” Duncan thought, “I am going to get grief.”  In fact, this could not have been further from the truth. Andy just said “Hi, how are you?” and had a brief friendly chat.  Duncan offered to stop shooting but Andy said that it was not a problem for him.

Duncan comments:- “I have no relationship with Andy Murray but he probably recognises my face from seeing me around during so many Wimbledons.  He has also very kindly on several occasions visited my exhibition (whilst on other business) and signed some of my large-format, fine-art exhibition prints as well as my photo book.

At that time in the season (just prior to Queens), competitor’s are not yet allowed on the Wimbledon Practice Courts.  By dint of his Champion status, Andy is an honorary member of the AELTC and so was able to use them.  I could see no reason to give the UK’s Championships hope any grief over a few snapshots, especially when he has always been friendly to me when approached, so chose not to submit the images for publication.  I did read in the papers two days later that Andy had not touched a tennis racquet since the French Open and secretly delighted in knowing that this was incorrect!”


(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) news https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2016/6/Duncan-captures-from-his-office-window-Andy-Murray-practicing-with-his-coach Fri, 10 Jun 2016 14:04:16 GMT
International Tennis Magazine publishes Duncan's "Grey Skies" Wimbledon image double-page. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2016/6/international-tennis-magazine-publish-duncans-grey-skies-wimbledon-image-double-page Click to view the original image.ITM grey skies International Tennis Magazine (ITM, 60k printed circulation plus digital) were struggling to find an image to illustrate their seemingly negative but ultimately positive article about the state of tennis today.  The best they could find was a shot of an umbrella with a rain-soaked Roland Garros court in the background.  It was so depressing it would make anyone switch from tennis to watching tiddlywinks!  Duncan suggested the above image from his archive, which although showing grey skies, does contain a suggestion of blue skies to come.  ITM jumped on it!


Click here to read the article.

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) "duncan grove frps" accredited fellow of the royal photographic society grey gv images news official photographer sky tennis wimbledon https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2016/6/international-tennis-magazine-publish-duncans-grey-skies-wimbledon-image-double-page Wed, 01 Jun 2016 19:45:00 GMT
Nikon publish an article about Duncan shooting The Boat Race using his two new D5 bodies. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2016/4/Nikon-publish-an-article-about-Duncan-shooting-The-Boat-Race-using-his-two-new-D5-b Click to read article.p2695982482-4

Click image to read the article

Having heard that the D5 was a step-up from his two D4S bodies Duncan immediately ordered two, hoping to use them for the Boat Race, where good ISO performance is critical.  Delivery was touch and go, with the first production bodies arriving in the UK half way through Tideway week (lead-up to the Race itself).

Nikon very kindly shipped the first two to Duncan at the Boat Race Media Centre, so he was able to use them during the latter part of the week and for the race itself.  Read his initial impressions by clicking on the above image.


(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) "duncan grove frps" 800mm accredited boat race d5 news nikon official photographer professional https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2016/4/Nikon-publish-an-article-about-Duncan-shooting-The-Boat-Race-using-his-two-new-D5-b Thu, 28 Apr 2016 09:01:33 GMT
Oxford vs Cambridge Universities Boat Race 2016 images now online! https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2016/3/Oxford-vs-Cambridge-Universities-Boat-Race-2016-images-now-online Click to view full size.p2696132435-3

The start of the 2016 OUWBC vs CUWBC (women’s) Boat Race.


Click to view image full size.p2143535418-3

The victorious CUBC Blue crew.

“Storm Katie” made shooting conditions very difficult but fortunately it abated slightly for the races.  As it is not possible to follow both the women’s and men’s races (and given that last year I elected to follow the women’s race since it was an historic first), I decided that this year I would follow the men’s race.  I was however able to blag my way onto a Boat House veranda in order to capture the start of the women’s race!

Just two days previously, Nikon had delivered to me at the Media Centre the first two production Nikon D5 bodies into the UK.  Their enhanced low-light capabilities, allied with the super-long £18,000 Nikkor 800mm lens helped me capture shots in these difficult conditions.

Nikon subsequently published an article about this.

See all 2016 Universities Boat Race image here.



(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) "duncan grove frps" 2016 accredited boat race cambridge fellow of the royal photographic society images news official photographer oxford photographer professional river thames universities https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2016/3/Oxford-vs-Cambridge-Universities-Boat-Race-2016-images-now-online Sun, 27 Mar 2016 15:09:22 GMT
Duncan Grove Photography has relocated! https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2016/2/duncan-grove-photography-has-relocated _D5A1208-2 QH edit_D5A1208-2 QH edit _D5A9514_D5A9514 _D5A9507_D5A9507 DGP_Wimbledon satelite viewDGP_Wimbledon satelite view Duncan Grove Photography now operates out of impressive new premises immediately adjacent to the AELTC and directly overlooking their Aorangi Practice Courts. See satellite image - No 1 Court is just 300M away and Centre Court 500M away!  This is Duncan's second home and he regularly stays here, including throughout the entire Championship period.  No other photographer lives nearer to the action!

Clich here to read a post about Duncan shooting an Andy Murray practice session from his office widow.

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) aeltc duncan grove location photography premises https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2016/2/duncan-grove-photography-has-relocated Mon, 22 Feb 2016 22:00:00 GMT
Les Voiles de Saint Tropez sailing regatta images 2015 now online! https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2015/10/Les-Voiles-de-Saint-Tropez-sailing-regatta-images-2015-now-online p2692570262-3


Les Voiles – literally ‘The Sails’ – takes place from April to October across the French Riviera. Each race brings together some of the most beautiful traditional wooden yachts from the 1930’s America’s cup, alongside the most extraordinary modern sailing boats (such as the “Wally” Class) for week-long regattas in beautiful ports such as Antibes and Saint-Tropez. This year’s St Tropez sailing regatta experienced the most inclement (and truly frightening with sadly 14 deaths) weather the region has experienced since records began. On some days it prevented any racing but on others it resulting in challenging, exciting sailing – and photography!

See galleries of Les Voiles de Saint Tropez 2015 images here.

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) "duncan grove frps" 2015 accredited admirals cup boat race cotes d'azure fellow of the royal photographic society fellowship of the royal photographic society french frps glamour les voiles de saint tropez news race racing regatta riviera sailing sport yacht yachts https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2015/10/Les-Voiles-de-Saint-Tropez-sailing-regatta-images-2015-now-online Thu, 01 Oct 2015 14:53:52 GMT
Great River Race 2015 images now online! https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2015/9/Great-River-Race-2015-images-now-online  

Great River Race 2015p1467287623-2

Great River Race 20

The Great River Race is London’s River Marathon. A spectacular yet whacky rowing boat race up the River Thames along a 21.6 mile course from London Docklands to Ham in Surrey, it attracts over 330 crews from all over the globe.  Duncan shot the event both from the river bank and from a chase launch amidst all of the action.  His images from the day can be seen here.

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) "duncan grove" amateur boat race british docklands fellow of the royal photographic society frps ham london millwall riverside news putney richmond river thames rowing sport the great river race https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2015/9/Great-River-Race-2015-images-now-online Sat, 12 Sep 2015 14:40:45 GMT
Galleries of images from every day of the Wimbledon Tennis Championships 2015 now online! https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2015/7/Galleries-of-images-from-every-day-of-the-Wimbledon-Tennis-Championships-2015-now-o Novak Djokovic Wimbledon Chapion 2015 triumphant with trophy.p1318465339-3

Galleries of photos of every match shot by accredited Wimbledon tennis photographer Duncan Grove FRPS during every day of the Wimbledon Tennis Championships 2015 can be viewed here.

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) "duncan grove frps" accredited fellow of the royal photographic society frps images news official photographer photos pic picture wimbledon wimbledon 2015 images wimbledon 2015 photos wimbledon tennis championships 2015 https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2015/7/Galleries-of-images-from-every-day-of-the-Wimbledon-Tennis-Championships-2015-now-o Mon, 13 Jul 2015 13:25:35 GMT
Duncan works with Time & Leisure Magazine on their July 2015 “Wimbledon Tennis” edition. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2015/6/Duncan-works-with-Time-Leisure-Magazine-on-their-July-2015-Wimbledon-Tennis-edition-1  


Duncan’s image of Roger Federer featured on the front cover of Time & Leisure’s July 2015 edition.

Time & Leisure magazine is a local “glossy” publication with a combined monthly circulation of 160,000.  Its Wimbledon, Wandsworth and Putney editor Kate Miranda wanted their July 2015 edition to celebrate Wimbledon since it is one of the world’s most prestigious sporting events and takes place on her patch!  Duncan worked with Kate on this, arranging for them both to be given a privileged tour of the AELTC so that she could secure copy for her articles.  Obviously, Duncan captured images throughout the tour.

Here are a few pages from the final publication.  Click on any of the thumbnails to go to an digital version of the magazine.


Unusually, the photographer also gets a mention! In fairness, the magazine did run a lead-feature on my work last year – see http://www.duncangroveblog.com/duncan-cover-and-lead-article/



Four of the five images on this page are Duncan’s.


Duncan’s new photo-book and 2015 exhibition were also reviewed in the magazine:-


Boris Becker’s book is surely near top of the “Best Sellers” list. Due undoubtedly to an admin problem, Duncan’s book is erroneously missing from this list!


(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) "duncan grove frps" 2015 fellow of the royal photographic society front cover frps magazine news official photographer photo photo-book photographer photography tennis the wimbledon championships 2015 time & leisure wimbledon https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2015/6/Duncan-works-with-Time-Leisure-Magazine-on-their-July-2015-Wimbledon-Tennis-edition-1 Thu, 25 Jun 2015 16:29:04 GMT
Duncan publishes new Photo-Book of Wimbledon Tennis Images. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2015/6/Duncan-publishes-new-Photo-Book-of-Wimbledon-Tennis-Images p1273695603-3

Titled “The Championships in Images 2010 – 2014″, Duncan’s new book is a photographic celebration of the  Wimbledon Tennis Championships.  It has a limited edition of just 100 copies, each one being personally signed by Duncan.  It has been published to complement Duncan’s Exhibition of fine-art large-format photographic prints; for the second consecutive year this is being held for the duration of the Championships at the du Vin Cannizaro House Hotel, Wimbledon Common, London’s only 5* country house hotel and located just a stone’s throw away from the AELTC.

Local glossy magazine Time & Leisure have reviewed the book in their July 2015 edition:-

“Duncan has taken some of the most iconic Wimbledon tennis photos and presented them in a beautiful display book every tennis fan needs. We were given an exclusive sneak peek and it is no ordinary ‘book’; in reality it is a 30cm square, 82-page collection of 175 fine-art photographic prints presented on high quality photographic paper and cleverly bound together to allow double-page spreads with no visible join at the spine. This results in many images being presented in a stunningly large [60 cm wide] format. The book also includes images of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in the Royal Box.”

Whilst not doing the high-quality presentation justice, a pdf version of this bound collection of prints can be downloaded here.  It can be viewed and purchased at the Exhibition as well as local Wimbledon shops and can also be ordered on-line here.

Stop press.  To date Novac Djokovic, Boris Becker, Andy Murray, Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal and Laura Robson have all kindly signed a copy of the book.  Duncan is considering ways to auction this special signed copy for charity.


Andy MURRAY (GBR) [3] chats with Duncan Grove FRPS after kindly signing a copy of Duncan’s new photo book. Image courtesy of Heathcliff O’Malley Photography.

The Championships in Imges 2010-2014m Duncan Grove FRPSp1281413222-4

Duncan’s new photo-book as centre-piece display in the window of Wimbledon Books and Music in Wimbledon Village. Gratifyingly, it is positioned above Boris Becker’s major new publication!!


(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) "duncan grove frps" accredited accredited wimbledon tennis photographer andy murray art exhibition book championships duncan grove frps photography exhibition fellow of the royal photographic society news photo exhibition photo-book photographer professional tennis the championships in images 2010 - 2014 https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2015/6/Duncan-publishes-new-Photo-Book-of-Wimbledon-Tennis-Images Sun, 21 Jun 2015 23:30:40 GMT
Duncan’s 2015 Exhibition of fine-art Wimbledon Tennis images opens at the du Vin Cannizaro Hotel https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2015/6/Duncan-s-2015-Exhibition-of-fine-art-large-format-Wimbledon-Tennis-images-opens-at- Duncan Grove tennis photography exhibitionp1286500882-2

Duncan Grove’s exhibition of 85 large-format fine-art tennis prints at the du Vin Cannizaro Hotel Wimbledon. Click the image for more photos of the exhibition.

The Cannizaro comments:- “For the second consecutive year Cannizaro House Hotel on Wimbledon Common, now part of the Hotel du Vin group, is hosting an exclusive Exhibition of fine-art tennis photography by Duncan Grove FRPS.  This takes place 22nd June 2015 to 12th July 2015.

After an extensive refurbishment, and following the success of last year’s exhibition, Hotel du Vin Wimbledon felt that Duncan’s exhibition would be the perfect way to get the hotel residents in the mood for the Championships. General Manager Phil Lewis also saw this as a great opportunity to showcase the newly renovated property to local residents and visitors alike.”

Duncan’s extensive research over several years (!) confirms that there really is no better way locally to spend a fine Summer’s evening during July than a drink on Cannizaro’s terrace, a meal in its Orangery, a tour of a tennis photo exhibition and a chance to spot some tennis celebrities!

He is very grateful for the Hotel’s continued support and has enjoyed being allowed “behind the scenes” of the hotel for a few days.  This has made it obvious to him that the new regime recognises that managing a hotel by prioritising the interests of its guests is the best way to create a successful hotel.  The Cannizaro has the basic fabric to be an exceptional hotel and the new management is certainly exploiting this and raising the bar in terms of delivering overall standards of excellence.

Prints form the exhibition are available to purchase for private hanging only (no commercial use) and net proceeds will be donated o an AELTC nominated charity.  A copy of the exhibition catalogue can be downloaded here.


(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) news https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2015/6/Duncan-s-2015-Exhibition-of-fine-art-large-format-Wimbledon-Tennis-images-opens-at- Sun, 21 Jun 2015 22:59:23 GMT
Duncan commissioned by NHK (Japan’s public broadcaster) to shoot behind the scenes at Wimbledon. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2015/6/Duncan-commissioned-by-NHK-Japans-public-broadcaster-to-shoot-hallowed-Wimbledon-scenes Click to view the gallery of images.p1281489023-2

The AELTC Clubhouse and Players’ Entrance to Centre Court. Click to view the gallery of images.

Duncan was commissioned by NHK (Japan’s public broadcaster, equivalent of the BBC) to shoot a series of still images of Wimbledon to be featured in the opening sequence of a TV documentary about The Champions, to be screened at prime time on the Sunday before Wimbledon starts. They said:- “We would like you to go into the Clubhouse and shoot the Kipling “If” poem quotation above the Players’ Entrance and oh yes!, also a few shots of the Men’s Trophy against a black background please, clearly showing the engraved name of every Champion since 1066 (or similar)!

This was a big ask with just two days notice! The Clubhouse is hallowed ground and the trophy is stored in an environmentally-controlled cabinet for  364 days of the year.  However, the AELTC came up trumps and very kindly and enthusiastically cooperated.  They also generously allowed me the rare privilege of shooting “Champions’ Walk”, the route that every player on Centre Court has to take when leaving the dressing room to go on court.  The historical and iconical images displayed along the length of the route must be inspirational for every player.


The Gentlemen’s Singles Trophy. Click to see the gallery of images.



The Champions’ Walk. Click to see the gallery of images.

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) "duncan grove frps" accredited aeltc centre court champions' walk clubhouse fellow of the royal photographic society frps if men's singles trophy news players' entrance rudyard kipling quotation wimbledon tennis championships 2015 https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2015/6/Duncan-commissioned-by-NHK-Japans-public-broadcaster-to-shoot-hallowed-Wimbledon-scenes Wed, 17 Jun 2015 16:17:01 GMT
Luxury goods supplier StaaG chooses three of Duncan’s images to illustrate their Handbook https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2015/6/Luxury-goods-supplier-StaaG-chooses-three-of-Duncan-s-images-to-illustrate-their-pr  


Luxury goods supplier StaaG have just published a prestigious Heritage Sports Handbbok, featuring the sporting events that have become synonymous with British summertime, advising which ones to attend and what to wear.  They have chosen three of Duncan’s images to publish full-page:-




(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) "duncan grove" frps heritage sports handbook images news photos published staag tennis the oxford & cambridge universities boat race wimbledon https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2015/6/Luxury-goods-supplier-StaaG-chooses-three-of-Duncan-s-images-to-illustrate-their-pr Sun, 14 Jun 2015 14:32:52 GMT
OUWBC select Duncan’s image for the banner of their home page. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2015/5/OUWBC-select-Duncan-s-image-for-the-banner-of-their-home-page OUWBC home page.p1350505075-2

The home page of Oxford University Women’s Boat Club web site. The banner headline image features Duncan’s shot of the victorious Blue crew, seconds after winning their race.

2015 was the first year that the BNY Mellon Oxford vs Cambridge Universities Women’s Boat Race was held on the traditional Men’s Tideway course, on the Rivert Thames beteen Putney and Mortlake.  This was viewed as a historic occasion and widely covered in the press as a significant advance for women’s sport generally.

Oxford University Women’s Boat Club are justifiably proud to have won this historic first race and selected Duncan’s image to illustrate the victory on their web site’s home page.  Duncan was shooting from the Press Launch that was still some distance away, and was only able to capture this shot since he was using a very high resolution body with an exceptionally long lens!  The original image can be seen here.

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) "duncan grove frps" 2015 bny mellon fellow of the royal photographic society news newton investment management ouwbc oxford university women's boat club the oxford & cambridge universities boat race https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2015/5/OUWBC-select-Duncan-s-image-for-the-banner-of-their-home-page Tue, 26 May 2015 07:11:44 GMT
Concept 2 selects Duncan’s Boat Race image for US & UK Ad campaigns. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2015/5/Concept-2-selects-Duncan-s-Boat-Race-image-for-US-UK-Ad-campaigns p1351295507-3

Concept2’s US & UK ad based on one of Duncan’s images.

Concept 2 manufacture oars and blades that are used by the Oxford University Boat Race crews.  They also manufacture rowing machines.  (Last month Duncan was staggered to find that his German hotel suite had a Concept 2 rowing machine in the living room!  He walked around it warily since he is allergic to such equipment!)

Concept 2 have chosen to base their US and UK ad campaigns on one of Duncan’s images of the OUWBC Blue crew celebrating their historic win, only seconds after having passed the finishing line.  Duncan was shooting from the Press Launch that was still some distance away, and was only able to capture this shot since he was using a very high resolution body with an extremely long lens!  The original image can be seen here.

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) "duncan grove frps" 2015 ad campaign advertisement blades concept 2 fellow of the royal photographic society frps image news oars ouwbc oxford university women's boat club triumph uk us victorious https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2015/5/Concept-2-selects-Duncan-s-Boat-Race-image-for-US-UK-Ad-campaigns Fri, 22 May 2015 15:27:26 GMT
Duncan works with Time & Leisure Magazine to promote the Boat Race https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2015/3/Duncan-works-with-Time-Leisure-Magazine-to-promote-the-BNY-Mellon-Oxford-Cambridge- March 2015.  Time & Leisure is a glossy lifestyle magazine with 150,000 circulation throughout SW London and Surrey.  Duncan has been working with them on a special Boat Race issue, supplying images for their front cover and double-spread lead-article.  Hopefully this will result in even more thousands of spectators turning-out on Race Day to cheer-on the crews.

Sorry Oxford that you did not make the cover this year.  If you cooperate photographically during Tideway Week by rowing back and forth under a bridge a few times (and then go on the win the Race), it will surely be your turn next year!

(If anyone is interested, T&L’s June 2014 issue featured a cover image and double-page lead-article on Duncan’s Wimbledon Tennis and Boat Race work.)

Click to see the digital versionp1091127739-3

Click to see the digital version



Click to see the digital versionp1091127629-3

Click to see the digital version



(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) news https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2015/3/Duncan-works-with-Time-Leisure-Magazine-to-promote-the-BNY-Mellon-Oxford-Cambridge- Sun, 08 Mar 2015 16:55:33 GMT
Oxford & Cambridge Boat Race Trial VIIIs images now on line. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2014/12/Oxford-Cambridge-Boat-Race-Trial-VIIIs-images-now-on-line p950698316-2

Once again Duncan was on-board the press launch on Tue 9 and Wed 10 December, shooting both the the Women’s and Men’s Trial VIIIs.  This is when both Oxford and Cambridge send out two evenly-matched crews from their own club to race against each other.  This helps the coaches to assess individual performance and select those who will be chosen for the Blue crews.

It was bitterly cold on the press launch, especially on Tuesday.  On the Wednesday, the sun at least shone, which resulted in much better images.  Galleries of photos from both days can be seen here .

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) "duncan grove frps" "duncan grove" accredited boat race cubc fellow of the royal photographic society frps news official photographer oubc oxford & cambridge boat race photographer photos professional the oxford & cambridge universities boat race 2014 trial viiis https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2014/12/Oxford-Cambridge-Boat-Race-Trial-VIIIs-images-now-on-line Thu, 11 Dec 2014 07:48:04 GMT
Duncan was (self appointed!) official photographer at an Oxford University Graduation Ceremony https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2014/11/Duncan-was-self-appointed-official-photographer-at-the-Oxford-University-ceremony- Dr Lydia King (3rd from right) and colleagues celebrating.p966020349-2

Dr Lydia King (3rd from right) and colleagues celebrating.

Duncan normally avoids posting personal photographs but this was a proud day!  Photographically, it is also interesting to note that whilst Duncan occasionally comments that the image quality he can get from his iPhone is quite frightening from a pro photographer’s perspective, this was one event where pro equipment and knowledge definitely ruled the day!  Throughout the ceremony, hundreds of people were taking long-distance snaps with phones and consumer cameras; flashes were popping everywhere and were in danger of destroying the very special atmosphere.  The sad thing is that almost all of these images will have turned-out disappointing at best.

Galleries of images from the day can be seen here.  All of Duncan’s ceremony shots were captured from afar using only ambient light.  Very high quality bodies and fast, long lenses, coupled with  a modicum of knowledge, achieved the results you see.

Lydia gained a first class degree in Psychology from Bristol University and then worked incredibly hard to be awarded a Doctorate of Clinical Psychology from Oxford University, her dissertation being especially well-received.  Duncan is obviously proud of her achievements and delighted that he was able to photograph her special day.  He has already provided images to parents of other graduates from that day.  If any others would like copies, Duncan will be pleased to provide them with his compliments. Just e-mail a request to [email protected].

Dr Lydia Kingp632777174-2

Dr Lydia King

2019 Update:-  Lydia is now a highly-committed practicing Clinical Psychologist, putting her learning to good use at Southampton's NHS hospital.  

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) "duncan grove" dclinpysch doctor of clinical psychology dr lydia king frps graduation manchester harris college news oxford university photos sheldonian theatre https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2014/11/Duncan-was-self-appointed-official-photographer-at-the-Oxford-University-ceremony- Sun, 16 Nov 2014 05:50:15 GMT
Duncan commissioned by MENTOR GmbH to produce a series of large-format, fine-art prints for the https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2014/11/Duncan-commissioned-by-MENTOR-GmbH-to-produce-a-series-of-large-format-fine-art-pr Mentorp977429425-3

Mentor’s stand at Electronica 2014, Munich.

MENTOR aluminium handles.p558731079-3

MENTOR aluminium handles.

MENTOR is a substantial German electronic component manufacturer.  Duncan’s company Multitron represents them in the UK & ROI.  MENTOR normally present their products in an  efficient, engineering-focused manner.  However, the fact is that the technologically-advanced design and manufacturing excellence of MENTOR components invariably result in them making a fundamental difference to the aesthetics of their customers’ products. They commissioned Duncan to produce a series of fine-art prints that reflect this.

A gallery of the images, which were displayed throughout MENTOR’s very large stand can be seen here .


(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) "duncan grove frps" 2014 electronic components electronica handles knobs light guides light pipes mentor multitron news photographer photos uk agent uk distributor https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2014/11/Duncan-commissioned-by-MENTOR-GmbH-to-produce-a-series-of-large-format-fine-art-pr Wed, 12 Nov 2014 09:52:04 GMT
Duncan’s 10-week Cannizaro House solo exhibition hailed as a critical and commercial success. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2014/9/Duncan-s-10-week-Cannizaro-House-solo-exhibition-hailed-as-a-critical-and-commercia Jo-Wilfried Tsonga signs one of Duncanp1069003623-3

Jo-Wilfried Tsonga signs one of Duncan’s prints at the Cannizaro House Hotel.

When Duncan’s Cannizaro House Photogrphic Exhibition (see earlier post)  launched just prior to The Championships 2014, an AELTC Committee Member commented that the Exhibition had “really put me in the mood for the next two weeks!” Many other visitors echoed his view.

Located on Wimbledon Common, Cannizaro House is London’s only 5* country house hotel.  During The Championships themselves, the Cannizaro’s public areas were heaving with “the great and good” from the international tennis world and everywhere they went they were presented with Duncan’s 75-print photographic exhibition.  Over 30 people accepted the Exhibition’s unique sales terms of “hanging in private residences only, with no commercial use” and purchased prints at prices ranging from £200 to £1,000 each.  Duncan is donating all net proceeds, plus a little extra, to an AELTC-approved tennis charity. Many celebrity players viewed the Exhibition; Andy Murray and Jo-Wilfried Tsonga were even kind enough to sign prints!

The Cannizaro’s Art Curator Mr Charles Grimaldi comments:- “Every year we support UK art by holding four seasonal Art Exhibitions, each featuring multiple artists and these always generate much interest. When we saw the depth and quality of Duncan’s work we just knew that we had to devote our entire Summer Exhibition to it.  It was a bold decision at the time but having observed thousands of people intently viewing and discussing Duncan’s images, we know now that it was the right one.”

Duncan comments:- Each year hundreds of pro photographers capture thousands of great Wimbledon action shots but the majority are destined primarily for newspaper, magazine or web publication.  Many of my own images are published in this way but I always shoot with large-scale print reproduction in mind. The objective of the Exhibition was never commercial; in truth it was more an ego-massage!  It is very gratifying to be able to print the images large, share them with thousands of visitors and even receive one or two nice comments!  I am grateful to Charles and the Cannizaro for the support they have given me and most of all to the AELTC for the very great privilege of photographer accreditation at what is by some considerable margin the UK’s largest and most prestigious annual sporting event.

Photos of the exhibition itself can be seen here.

The actual images that made up the exhibition can be seen here.

A .pdf copy of the exhibition catalogue can be downloaded from here.

Andy Murray at the Cannizaro Hotel during Duncan’s exhibition.p563687825-2

Andy Murray at the Cannizaro Hotel during Duncan’s exhibition.

Ana Inanovic at the Cannizaro Hotel during Duncan’s exhibition.p926771784-2

Ana Inanovic at the Cannizaro Hotel during Duncan’s exhibition.














Duncan Grove FRPS in front of one of his images exhibited at the Cannizaro House Hotel.p527416747-2

Duncan Grove FRPS in front of one of his images exhibited at the Cannizaro House Hotel.


(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) "duncan grove frps" accredited ana inanovic andy murray cannizaro house hotel championships exhibition fellow of the royal photographic society fellowship of the royal photographic society fine-art frps image images international tennis magazine jo-wilfried tsonga large format news official photographer photographer photographic photography prints professional tennis wimbledon tennis championships wimbledon tennis images https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2014/9/Duncan-s-10-week-Cannizaro-House-solo-exhibition-hailed-as-a-critical-and-commercia Mon, 01 Sep 2014 05:04:04 GMT
Wimbledon Tennis Championships 2014 – images from every day now on line. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2014/7/Wimbledon-Tennis-Championships-2014-images-from-every-day-now-on-line Novak celebrates with his coach Boris Becker.p990867763-2

Novak celebrates with his coach Boris Becker.

For the fifth consecutive year Duncan was again privileged to be an accredited photographer at the Wimbledon Championships 2014.  Galleries of images from everyday, including tennis action shots and general views can be seen here.

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) "duncan grove frps" accredited accredited photographer championships daily photos fellow of the royal photographic society fellowship of the royal photographic society image images international tennis magazine isportgroup news nikon official photographer photography photos pic picture professional tennis wimbledon wimbledon tennis championships 2014 https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2014/7/Wimbledon-Tennis-Championships-2014-images-from-every-day-now-on-line Mon, 07 Jul 2014 05:58:01 GMT
Cannizaro House Hotel’s Summer Art Exhibition to exclusively feature Duncan Grove’s photography. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2014/6/cannizaro-house-hotel-exhibition-to-exclusively-feature-duncan-groves-photography cannizaro house parkcannizaro house parkImage courtesy of the Cannizaro House Hotel.

Located on Wimbledon Common and close to the All England Lawn Tennis Club, the Cannizaro House Hotel is London’s only 5* Country House Hotel. Each year it hosts four seasonal art exhibitions.  Normally these feature work from multiple artists. Uniquely, the Cannizaro’s ten-week Summer Exhibition 2014 is devoted solely to a display of over 75 fine art, limited-edition photographic prints shot by Duncan Grove FRPS.  Some are sized over 1.2M square.

Given that the Exhibition opens on 21 June 2014 (the Saturday before the Wimbledon Championships starts on the Monday) it will be no surprise that many of the images exhibited will be of Wimbledon tennis (Duncan’s passion and specialty)!  An exhibition of this kind is very rare.  Duncan’s images of other sports such as rowing and squash, as well and land and cityscapes will also be showcased.

Duncan comments “I am absolutely thrilled to have my work exhibited at such prestigious venue that is renowned for its celebration and promotion of fine art (as well as its sublime hospitality)!  The fact that during The Championships the Cannizaro will be teeming with the great and good from the tennis world is a wonderful opportunity for me to show my work to a wider audience.  Wimbledon tennis photography is my passion and I have an enormous respect for the event.  Although my images have been published in countless newspapers, books and magazines, this type of publication does not always do them full justice.  I take infinite care over the quality of my images and it’s great to be able to show them at A2 size and beyond, presented on photographic paper as fine-art prints.  Many images destined for newspaper use could not withstand this type of presentation.”

The Cannizaro House Hotel Summer Exhibition runs from 21 June to 31 August 2014.  Entry is free and there is ample parking.



(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2014/6/cannizaro-house-hotel-exhibition-to-exclusively-feature-duncan-groves-photography Tue, 10 Jun 2014 19:00:00 GMT
Duncan featured in a double-page lead article and on cover in Time and Leisure magazine. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2014/6/duncan-featured-in-time-leisure-magazine Time & Leisure is a glossy lifestyle magazine with a circulation of 160,000.  Please click the thumb below to read the article.  It refers to Duncan’s major one-man exhibition of mainly Wimbledon tennis fine-art prints that opens at the prestigious Cannizaro House Hotel on 21 June and runs for ten weeks.  Please click here to learn more about the exhibition.

T&L June 14  Kingston coverT&L June 14 Kingston cover               T&L June 14 WW&P coverT&L June 14 WW&P cover

T&L Duncan Grove Lead JUNE14 two pageT&L Duncan Grove Lead JUNE14 two page Please click here to read the Time & Leisure magazine article (pages 18 & 19).







(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2014/6/duncan-featured-in-time-leisure-magazine Sun, 01 Jun 2014 22:00:00 GMT
2014 Oxford & Cambridge Universities Boat Race images now online. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2014/4/2014-oxford-cambridge-universities-boat-race-images-now-online _DSC2104_DSC210406.04.2014. The Oxford & Cambridge Universities Boat Race.

Location:- River Thames, London, United Kingdom between Putney (start) and Mortlake.

CUBC Blue Boat crew (Light Blue tops):- Bow: Mike Thorp, 2: Luk Juckett, 3: Ivo Dawkins, 4: Steve Dudek, 5: Helge Gruetjen, 6: Matthew Jackson, 7: Joshua Hooper, Stroke: Henry Hoffstot, Cox: Ian Middleton, Chief Coach: Steve Trapmore.

OUBC Blue Boat crew (Dark Blue tops):- Bow: Storm UrU, 2: Tom Watson, 3 Karl Hudspith, 4 Thomas Swartz, 5 Malcolm Howard, 6 Michael Di Santo, 7, Sam O’Connor, Stroke: Constantine Louloudis, Cox: Laurence Harvey, Chief Coach: Sean Bowden.

Once again Duncan was an accredited photographer during Tideway Week practice outings and the BNY Mellon Boat Race itself.  He was also Official Photographer for CUBC's Alumni Day and Boat Naming Ceremony.

It was a mixed week photographically.  Some of the practice outings took place in glorious weather, which certainly helped the shots.  Boat Race day itself was rainy with poor visibility.  After an oar clashing incident, Oxford rowed-off into the distance and obviously the Press Launch had to stay behind the Cambridge boat.  Even with a 600mm lens, it was difficult to even see, let alone shoot the winning boat!

Galleries from the week can be seen at http://www.duncangrove.com/2014-universities-boat-race .

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2014/4/2014-oxford-cambridge-universities-boat-race-images-now-online Sun, 06 Apr 2014 20:30:00 GMT
Said Business School Oxford University commission a 4M high print. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2013/12/said-oxford-university-commission-a-4m-high-print- _D8E9079_D8E9079A 4M high by 1M wide Duncan Grove FRPS image of the Universities Boat Race (commissioned by the Said Business School, which is part of Oxford University). The print hangs in the School's Common Room.

When Duncan received a call from Martin Boyt, Estates Officer of the Said Business School Oxford University, saying they loved his Boat Race images and wanted to print one 4M high for display in their common room, he was both flattered and delighted. This emotion soon changed to cursing the Said Business School in general and most especially the architect who designed it!

Seriously, they needed an image 4M high.  No problem – Duncan shoots with the highest quality equipment and billboard size is easy.  However, the image could only be 1M wide and show no faces, since it needed to be timeless.  Duncan has tens of thousands of Boat Race images to choose from but like most other photographers, given the dimensions of the boats his images are mainly letter-box format.  Also, Crew members obviously feature heavily since they are what the race is all about!

Fortunately, Duncan was able to come up with a few options and this is the one that the Said Business School selected.

_D417476 BLADES1 Client selection v2 flattened_D417476 BLADES1 Client selection v2 flattenedBoat Race image captured by Duncan Grove FRPS. Selected by the Said Business School, Oxford University, printed 4m high by Im wide and hung in their Common Room. A nice ending to the story is that Duncan’s daughter is studying post-Graduate at Oxford (different surnames avoid embarrassing her)!  When Duncan was last in Oxford they visited the Said Business School and met with the charming Martin Boyt, who kindly showed them around and allowed Duncan to take photographs.

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2013/12/said-oxford-university-commission-a-4m-high-print- Wed, 04 Dec 2013 18:30:00 GMT
Wimbledon Tennis Championships 2013 – images now online. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2013/7/wimbledon-tennis-championships-2013-images-now-online _D8E8451-Edit_D8E8451-Edit07.07.2013. The Wimbledon Tennis Championships 2013 held at The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London, England, UK.

Andy Murray (GBR) [2] def. Novak Djokovic (SRB) [1] Wearing cap) on Centre Court.

Gentlemen's Singles - Final.
Images from every day of The Wimbledon Tennis Championships 2013 can be seen here.  Well done Andy!


(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) "duncan grove frps" 20013 accredited andy fellow of the royal photographic society frps murray news official photographer tennis wimbledon https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2013/7/wimbledon-tennis-championships-2013-images-now-online Sun, 07 Jul 2013 19:15:00 GMT
Oxford and Cambridge University Boat Race 2013 images now online. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2013/3/oxford-and-cambridge-university-boat-race-2013-images-now-online _D4B2635-2_D4B2635-231.03.2013. Oxford & Cambridge Universities Boat Race 2013 held on the River Thames between Putney and Mortlake in London UK.
Oxford Blue Boat:- Bow: Patrick Close, 2: Geordie Macleod, 3: Alex Davidson, 4: Sam O’Connor, 5: Paul Bennett, 6: Karl Hudspith, 7: Constantine Louloudis, Stroke: Malcolm Howard, Cox: Oskar Zorrilla.
Cambridge Blue Boat:- Bow: Grant Wilson, 2: Milan Bruncvik, 3: Alex Fleming, 4: Ty Otto, 5: George Nash, 6: Steve Dudek, 7: Alexander Scharp, Stroke: Niles Garratt, Cox: Henry Fieldman.

For the fourth consecutive year Duncan was an accredited photographer at the NYB Mellon Oxford and Cambridge University Boat Race 2013.  Leading-up to the race he covered fixtures with other Universities, Practice Outings during Tideway Week and of course shot the Boat Race itself from a press launch following immediately behind the race.

Despite the sometimes torrential rain with steamed-up lenses and freezing cold fingers (it actually snowed!), as ever he enjoyed the experience immensely.  There is no other event like this.  The crews are elite, world-class athletes who also have the intellectual ability to be accepted into two of the top Universities in the world.  Their training requires months of early starts on the river in the mid of winter and they still have to maintain their studies.  Despite the event’s international profile the crews are all amateurs. The nature of the event requires them to be team players and it is sport in its purest. There are no silver medals, just a winning team and a losing team.

Duncan’s images can be seen at http://www.duncangrove.com/oxford-cambridge-boat-race-2013 .

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) 2013 accredited and blades boat cambridge fellow fellowship frps mortlake oar of oxford photographic putney race river rowing royal society thames the universities university v vs https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2013/3/oxford-and-cambridge-university-boat-race-2013-images-now-online Sun, 31 Mar 2013 19:30:00 GMT
Daily Telegraph publishes two of Duncan’s Boat Race 2013 images. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2013/3/daily-telegraph-publishes-two-of-duncan-s-boat-race-2013-images 2013_03_31 Telegraph2013_03_31 Telegraph

This week Duncan has been shooting Tideway Week Practice Outings ahead of tomorrow’s BNY Mellon Oxford and Cambridge Boat Universities Race 2013.  Today, The Daily Telegraph, Britain’s highest circulation broadsheet newspaper, selected two of Duncan’s images from this week to illustrate an article.

Duncan’s images from The Boat Race 2013 can be seen at http://www.duncangrove.com/oxford-cambridge-boat-race-2013 .

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) 2013 accredited boat cambridge daily fellow fellowship frps image of official oxford photographer photographic published race royal society telegraph the university https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2013/3/daily-telegraph-publishes-two-of-duncan-s-boat-race-2013-images Sat, 30 Mar 2013 21:30:00 GMT
Duncan commissioned by Fine & Country to shoot a Palladian mansion being marketed for £10 million. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2013/3/duncan-commissioned--to-shoot-palladian-mansion-being-marketed-for-10-million _D8E6580-Edit_D8E6580-EditNazeing Park, Waltham Abbey, Essex, United Kingdom. A 12 bedroom Palladian mansion set in 70 acres.

Nazeing Park, outside Waltham Abbey in Essex, UK,  is a 12-bedroom Palladian mansion set in 70 acres.  Currently owned by BJ Smart, the 38-year-old grandson of the original Billy Smart (of Circus fame), Fine & Country have been instructed to market the property and they turned to Duncan to produce imagery for their very important commission.

It is the way of these things that the images were needed “yesterday” and “today” was just about the gloomiest of the year, with torrential rain!  The planned natural light shots were not a realistic option and the exterior was shot at dusk in order to avoid the grey skies and hide the rain!

The results can be seen at http://www.duncangrove.com/nazeing-park .

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) & abbey agents architectural billy bj country englih english estate fellow fine frps house images jnr junior mansion nazeing of palladian park photographer photographic photography photos pictures property real royal smart society the waltham https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2013/3/duncan-commissioned--to-shoot-palladian-mansion-being-marketed-for-10-million Fri, 15 Mar 2013 21:30:00 GMT
Duncan commissioned to shoot £1.5 million “East Dorincourt” manor house by agents Fine & Country https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2012/9/duncan-commissioned-to-shoot-1-5-million-manor-house _D8E5605 as Smart Object-1 MONO SINGA_D8E5605 as Smart Object-1 MONO SINGAConstance Close, Kingston Vale. Built in 1857 and stunningly brought into the 21st Century by its current owners (re-reading, I feel that I am spending too much time with Estate Agents!!), East Dorincourt backs onto to Richmond Park and is located in Kingston-upon-Thames, near London, UK.  When Fine & Country took over the marketing of the property from another “prestigious” agency, they were horrified to see the standard of imagery that had been used.  They commissioned Duncan to re-shoot to a specific, slightly unconventional brief.  Both Fine & Country and their client are delighted with the results that can ve seen here.

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2012/9/duncan-commissioned-to-shoot-1-5-million-manor-house Sat, 15 Sep 2012 20:45:00 GMT
Professional Jeweller Hot 100 Party 2012 images are online! https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2012/9/professional-jeweller-hot-100-party-2012-images-are-online 2012_hot100_D4A66902012_hot100_D4A669004.09.2012 Professional Jeweller Magazine's Top 100 Party, Freemasons' Hall, London, UK What a night!  The great, glamorous and good (and not so good!) of the Jewellery sector gathered at the iconic Freemasons’ Hall in the heart of London to celebrate the top 100 movers and shakers of their industry.  Duncan Grove Photography was there with three shooters to capture formal and less formal images from the night.  Galleries of these images of a fun, sophisticated yet raucous night attended by 700 carefully selected guests can be seen at http://www.duncangrove.com/2012-prof-jeweller-hot-100-party .

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) 100 event fellow fellowship freemasons' frps hall hot jeweller magazine of party photographger photographic photography photography. professional royal society the https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2012/9/professional-jeweller-hot-100-party-2012-images-are-online Tue, 04 Sep 2012 21:00:00 GMT
Duncan interviewed for an article in f2 FREELANCE PHOTOGRAPHER magazine. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2012/8/duncan-interviewed-for-an-article-in-f2-freelance-photographer-magazine f2-freelance-mag-aug12f2-freelance-mag-aug12 f2 Freelancer Photographer interviewed Duncan about his experience of using the (amazingly good!) Zenfolio web hosting service.  They asked other pro photographers about their own experiences with other web hosters and published the article in their Aug/Sep issue.  They also took the opportunity to publish a couple of Duncan’s Boat Race and Wimbledon Tennis images.  Please click the image above to read a .pdf version.

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) 2012 accredited championships f2 fellow fellowship freelance frps hosting magazine of official photographer photographic royal society tennis the web wimbledon zenfolio https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2012/8/duncan-interviewed-for-an-article-in-f2-freelance-photographer-magazine Wed, 01 Aug 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Duncan’s Wimbledon Tennis Championships 2012 images now online https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2012/7/duncans-wimbledon-tennis-championships-2012-images-now-online _D4B8305-Edit-2 58 wide for exhib_D4B8305-Edit-2 58 wide for exhib05.07.2012. The Wimbledon Tennis Championships 2012 held at The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London, England, UK. Serena WILLIAMS (USA) [6] v Victoria AZARENKA (BLR) [2] . Serena in action. It was a rather wet Wimbledon and Andy didn’t quite make it but as always, Duncan had a great two weeks shooting The Wimbledon Tennis Championships 2012 as an accredited photographer.  Galleries from each day can be seen here.

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) 2012 accredited action championships fellow fellowship frps general gv image images nikon of official photographer photographic photos pic picture professional royal society tennis the view wimbledon https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2012/7/duncans-wimbledon-tennis-championships-2012-images-now-online Sun, 08 Jul 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Duncan’s work featured on front cover and key-note article in Royal Photographic Society’s Journal. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2012/7/front-cover-and-key-note-article-in-Royal-Photographic-Societys-Journal Journal cover  July_Aug 2012Journal cover July_Aug 2012 RPS-Journal-344-347-Grove -4 pagesRPS-Journal-344-347-Grove -4 pages

Duncan has previously held The Royal Photographic Society’s “Journal” publication in the highest esteem.  Published since 1853 and still current today, it regularly publishes key-note cover articles about iconic photographers along with much other useful content.  This month however, we are in the holiday season and someone clearly got it wrong.  They must have returned from holiday, realised that they did not have a cover article and in desperation decided to run one on Duncan’s work!  Hopefully, next month they will return to their normal high standards.

In the meantime of course, Duncan will milk their drop in standards for all it is worth by shamelessly (with the Journal’s permission) promoting the article in his blog!  (The cover shot incidentally shows top squash player Ramy Ashour at the ROWE British Squash Grand Prix for which Duncan was Official Photographer.

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) 2011 2012 accredited article ashour british camera championships cover fellow fellowship frps garnd image images international isportgroup journal magazine manchester nikon of official photo photographer photographic prix ramy rowe royal rps shot society squash squash. tennis the wimbledon https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2012/7/front-cover-and-key-note-article-in-Royal-Photographic-Societys-Journal Sun, 01 Jul 2012 21:15:00 GMT
Seven of Duncan’s ROWE British Grand Prix squash images published by International Squash Magazine https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/12/Seven-of-Duncan-s-ROWE-British-Grand-Prix-squash-images-published-by-International Ramy diveRamy dive

#December 2011.  For the second consecutive year Duncan was Official Photographer for the ROWE British Squash Grand Prix, the UK’s largest and most exciting squash tournament, which this year was held 19-25 September 2011 at The National Squash Centre in Manchester.

International Squash Magazine’s December 2011 edition features seven of Duncan’s images, including a double-page-spread of Champion Ramy Ashour diving for his shot.  Although the magazine is a leading printed publication with a circulation is excess of 40,000, an on-line version can also be viewed FOC here.

All of Duncan’s squash images from the 2010 and 2011 ROWE British Grand Prix can be viewed here.

International Squash Magazine Dec 2011 - click to view free digital edition.p868175927-3

International Squash Magazine Dec 2011 - click to view free digital edition.p581079900-4

International Squash Magazine Dec 2011 - click to view free digital edition.p975270369-4


(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) accredited fellow of the royal photographic society fellowship frps image images international squash magazine isportgroup manchester national squash centre news nikon official photographer photos pic picture professional published rowe british grand prix rowe british squash garnd prix rowe british squash grand prix squash. the royal photographic society https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/12/Seven-of-Duncan-s-ROWE-British-Grand-Prix-squash-images-published-by-International Sat, 03 Dec 2011 11:38:02 GMT
Duncan’s Wimbledon Tennis image licensed for use on the front cover of a book. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/11/Duncan-s-Wimbledon-Tennis-image-licensed-for-use-on-the-front-cover-of-a-book- November 2011.  Duncan’s shot of Serena Williams on Wimbledon’s Centre Court displaying her trophy (having just become Wimbledon Ladies’Singles Champion 2010) has been licensed for use on the front cover of a book.

Serena Williams, Ladiesp346905463-4

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) 2010 accredited book championships chapion cover fellow of the royal photographic society fellowship fellowship of the royal photographic society frps image images international squash magazine ladies' singles news nikon official photographer photo photographer photos pic picture plate professional published serena williams shield tennis the royal photographic society trophy wimbledon wimbledon tennis championships 2010 wimbledon tennis championships 2011 https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/11/Duncan-s-Wimbledon-Tennis-image-licensed-for-use-on-the-front-cover-of-a-book- Thu, 24 Nov 2011 13:16:36 GMT
Duncan carries away three trophies at the opening of the KCC Exhibition 2011. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/11/Duncan-carries-away-three-trophies-at-the-opening-of-the-KCC-Exhibition-2011- November 2011.  Although Duncan has consciously scaled-back his camera club activities of late, especially competition entries, he remains mindful of how his memberships have helped him to develop his photography and still supports his main club Malden, and second club Kingston.  The latter opened their impressive annual Exhibition (held at Kingston Museum) on Friday 4 November 2011 and Duncan performed Official Photographer duties for the evening.  He had to hand over his cameras to others though when he himself was presented with three trophies.  These were for “Best Print of the Exhibition” (the second consecutive year that Duncan has won this, “Winner, Advanced Print League Competition 2011″ (the third consecutive year he has won this) and “Winner, Best Panel of Six Images”.

Duncan Grove FRPS with Rosemary Wilman Hon FRPS p875162817-3

Duncan Grove FRPS being presented with his three trophies by Rosemary Wilman Hon FRPS, until recently President of The Royal Photographic Society.


stll supports his

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) "duncan grove frps" 2011 best print in exhibition exhibition image images kingston camera club news official photographer photo photographer photos pic picture professional rosemary willman hon frps winner https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/11/Duncan-carries-away-three-trophies-at-the-opening-of-the-KCC-Exhibition-2011- Sat, 05 Nov 2011 14:14:53 GMT
Duncan’s review of Zenfolio’s new video hosting web service published in Photo Professional mag https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/11/Duncan-s-review-of-Zenfolio-s-new-video-hosting-web-service-published-in-Photo-Pro November 2011.  UPDATED WITH A LINK DECEMBER 2011.  HD SLR Movie maker is a free supplement distributed quarterly with Photo Professional magazine. Each edition has grown in size and importance as the divergence between still and moving images capable of being captured by DSLRs really takes off.  Duncan’s article reviews Zenfolio’s latest upgrade, which quite extraordinarily delivers a unique new video hosting service at no extra charge.  With kind permission form the magazine ou can download a .pdf copy of the article by clicking the image below.  Better, buy Photo Professional from any of the larger WH Smith stores or on-line – it is a really good read!

Use Zenfolio Referral Code 8D1-PKN-B8F for 10% discount!  See samples of Zenfolio-hosted videos here.

Click to download a .pdf of Zenfolio-video-hosting-review-Dec-2011.p663195214-3

Photo Professional magazine December 2011.p176928203-4


(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) 10% 8d1-pkn-b8f code discount! duncan for frps grove hosting magazine news photo professional referral review use video web zenfolio https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/11/Duncan-s-review-of-Zenfolio-s-new-video-hosting-web-service-published-in-Photo-Pro Thu, 03 Nov 2011 12:55:13 GMT
Duncan’s ROWE British Squash Grand Prix images now available to view and download. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/9/Duncan-s-ROWE-British-Squash-Grand-Prix-images-now-available-to-view-and-download- October 2011.  Duncan has just spent a hectic but enjoyable week as Official Photographer at the ROWE British Squash Grand Prix, held at The National Squash Centre in Manchester, UK.

All of the world’s top men players were competing in the UK’s largest squash tournament and Ramy Ashour emerged as eventual champion.  Galleries of every match played as well as collections of highlights can be seen here.

Ramy Ashour (Click for larger version)p331036348-3

Nick Matthew (left)  & Peter Barker. (Click for larger version)

"Bring on the girls!" (Click for larger version)p804288233-3

Ramy Ashour. (Click for larger version.)p599591962-4

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) accredited fellow of the royal photographic society fellowship fellowship of the royal photographic society frps image images international squash magazine isportgroup magazine manchester national squash centre news official photographer photos pic picture professional rowe british grand pri rowe british squash grand prix squash. the royal photographic society https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/9/Duncan-s-ROWE-British-Squash-Grand-Prix-images-now-available-to-view-and-download- Tue, 27 Sep 2011 01:51:08 GMT
Duncan commissioned to shoot millions of pounds worth of impressionist paintings. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/9/Duncan-commissioned-to-shoot-millions-of-pounds-worth-of-impressionist-paintings- September 2011.  Duncan has just completed a commission to shoot millions of pounds worth of impressionist paintings for the prestigious Mayfair, London gallery Trinity House.  The nine images he photographed included work by Childe Hassam, Gaston La Touche, Victoria Dubourg Fantin-Latour, and Henri Le Sidaner amongst others.

To see a gallery of all nine, please click the image below.

Henri Le Sidaner - "La table, harmonie grise", 1927p972657349-3
(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) fellow of the royal photographic society frps impressionist mayfair news paintings trinity house https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/9/Duncan-commissioned-to-shoot-millions-of-pounds-worth-of-impressionist-paintings- Sun, 04 Sep 2011 06:08:14 GMT
International Tennis Magazine publishes four of Duncan’s images. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/9/International-Tennis-Magazine-publishes-four-of-Duncan-s-images- September 2011.  With a circulation in excess of 60,000, International Tennis Magazine is the UK’s highest circulation publication of its type.  Duncan shoots the Wimbledon Championships on their behalf and their parent company internationalSPORTgroup has for the past two years appointed Duncan as Official Photographer for the ROWE British Squash Grand Prix.  (Takes place 19-26 September 2011 – see earlier post to order tickets).

September 2011′s edition of International Tennis Magazine features four of Duncan’s images, including a double page spread of the Men’s Champion Novac Djokovic. Duncan also supplied the inset image, another Djokovic trophy shot and one of the Bryan brothers.  An electronic version of the magazine can be downloaded here.

International Tennis Magazine - Sep 2011. Click for larger size.p247055490-3

International Tennis Magazine - Sep 2011. Click for larger size.p356771281-4

International Tennis Magazine - Sep 2011. Click for larger size.p272091007-4

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) 2011 accredited article bryan brothers championships djokovic fellow of the royal photographic society fellowship frps image images international tennis magazine isportgroup magazine news novac official photographer pic picture professional tennis the royal photographic society wimbledon tennis championships 2010 wimbledon tennis championships 2011 https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/9/International-Tennis-Magazine-publishes-four-of-Duncan-s-images- Sat, 03 Sep 2011 06:25:36 GMT
New kit – Lastolite 90cm Hotrod Octa Softbox. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/9/New-kit---Lastolite-90cm-Hotrod-Octa-Softbox- September 2011.  Duncan has been pleased with his earlier purchase of a Lastolite 54cm Ezbox softbox and has now complemented this with a Lastolite 90cm Hotrod Octa Softbox.  Both of these products consisit of lighting stands and softboxes into which portable flash guns can be fitted.  They provide a broad soft and highly portable light source and the octagonal shape of the Octa provides espcially attractive round catchlights, perfect for portraits.

Duncan operates the lights remotely using Pocket Wizard radio triggers, see separate post.

Lastolite 90cm Hotrod Octa Softboxp1044775990

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) 90cm fellow of the royal photographic society frps hotrod lastolite news octa softbox https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/9/New-kit---Lastolite-90cm-Hotrod-Octa-Softbox- Fri, 02 Sep 2011 06:01:19 GMT
New Kit – PocketWizard Radio Triggers. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/9/New-Kit---PocketWizard-Radio-Triggers- Speptember 2011.  Duncan has invested in two PocketWizard FlexTT5 receivers , a TT1 transmitter and an AC3 Zone Controller.  This kit allows him to trigger remote flashes wirelessly, control flash output from the camera and still benefit  from Nikon’s TTL metering system.

For his role as Official Photogrpaher at the recent ROWE British Squash Grand Prix he hired an extra two receivers and on several occasions used four flashes remotely with good effect.  Whild the two extra units have now been returned they will be referred to in his forthcoming letter to Santa!


(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) fellow of the royal photographic society flash frps news pocketwizard radio trigger https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/9/New-Kit---PocketWizard-Radio-Triggers- Fri, 02 Sep 2011 05:46:46 GMT
Duncan’s commissioned images published on cover and A3 pull-out by L’étudiant magazine. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/8/Duncan-s-commissioned-images-published-on-cover-and-A3-pull-out-by-L--tudiant-magazine- August 2011.  Tunisia’s leading youth lifestyle magazine “L’étudiant” has been following with pride the progress of Tunisia’s Junior Girl tennis player Ons Jabeur.  They describe her as “simple, sociable and determined” and as representing the hopes of Tunisian youth following the recent revolution.  These characteristics led her to become Girls’ Champion at this year’s French Open and her compatriots are eagerly following her progress at other tournaments during the year.  L’étudiant has just published a feature on Ons, which is illustrated with images they commissioned Duncan to take at Wimbledon 2011.  These include the cover, an A3 pull-out and images accompanying the article itself.  Duncan found Ons to be a very friendly and pleasant young lady who, along with her coach Luca Appino, was very helpful and cooperative.  How did she do at Wimbledon?  Let’s just say she was not as successful as she was in Paris but look out for her in years to come!


L'étudiant magazine July 2011 - cover

L’étudiant magazine July 2011 - A3 pull-out.p105591919-2

L’étudiant magazine July 2011 - Ons Jabeur feature.p157137950-2

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) accredited championships fellow of the royal photographic society fellowship of the royal photographic society image images l'étudiant magazine news official photographer photo photographer photos pic picture professional the royal photographic society wimbledon tennis championships 2011 https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/8/Duncan-s-commissioned-images-published-on-cover-and-A3-pull-out-by-L--tudiant-magazine- Fri, 26 Aug 2011 06:33:44 GMT
The World’s Top Eight Squash Players to compete in Manchester’s ROWE British Grand Prix 2011. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/8/The-World-s-Top-Eight-Squash-Players-to-compete-in-Manchester-s-ROWE-British-Grand- Click to buy tickets on-line from just £10.00.p672364282

August 2011.  Duncan will have all the world’s major squash stars lined-up in his lenses next month when he acts as Official Event Photographer at Manchester’s ROWE British Grand Prix, since world’s top eight squash players have already confirmed their entries!

The ROWE British Grand Prix – Manchester 2011 is one of the year’s nine PSA World Series championships and will take place at the National Squash Centre in Manchester from 19-25 September.

With entries yet to close, a high-quality field is guaranteed for the biggest event to be staged in the UK in 2011 – led  by England’s own world No1 Nick Matthew and defending champion Ramy Ashour, the world No2 from Egypt.

But these formidable players – Matthew is the reigning world champion and Ashour winner of the world title in Manchester in 2008 – will have their work cut out against competition provided by Egyptians Karim Darwish and Amr Shabana, the world No3 and No5, respectively; Englishmen James Willstrop and Peter Barker, ranked  four and seven; plus French pair Gregory Gaultier and Thierry Lincou, both former world number ones currently ranked No6 and No8.

And the full draw will feature a number of exciting young players – all eager to make inroads into the elite top eight  group after success on the National Squash Centre’s spectacular all-glass court.

The ROWE British Grand Prix, for the second year the biggest event to be held in England, will be the fourth PSA  World Series event of the year, following the Australian Open in Canberra in August.

This is the second consecutive year that Duncan will have been Official Photographer at this event.  For those that cannot visit personally he will be posting images daily at http://www.duncangrove.com/squash (last year’s galleries can also be seen here).  Howver, with tickets costing from just £10.00, if you are anywhere near Manchester during 19-25 September it is well worth visiting and experincing the atmosphere for yourself!  If you are a regular follower of this blog, do ask one of the organisers to find me and I shall be pleased to say “hello”!

Tickets for the ROWE British Grand Prix – Manchester 2011 can now be booked online at www.isportgroup.com/ticketing  or by telephone on 0844 8797 949. For further information email: [email protected]

For all the latest information, visit the official website:


David Palmer (AUS)p731815649-3


(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) accredited fellow of the royal photographic society fellowship fellowship of the royal photographic society frps image images international squash magazine isportgroup magazine manchester national squash centre news official photographer photos pic picture professional rowe british grand prix rowe british squash grand prix squash. the royal photographic society https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/8/The-World-s-Top-Eight-Squash-Players-to-compete-in-Manchester-s-ROWE-British-Grand- Sun, 21 Aug 2011 03:48:13 GMT
Duncan attends the opening of The Royal Photographic Society’s 154th International Print Exhibi https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/7/Duncan-attends-the-opening-of-The-Royal-Photographic-Society-s-154th-International- July 2011.  As an exhibitor, Duncan was invited to attend the opening ceremony of this exhibition, which is one of the longest standing and most prestigeous of its kind in the world.  It is being held at the stunning London offices of sponsors Allen & Overy LLP until 26 August, where after it tours the UK until May 2012. Duncan’s image   “Jarkko Nieminen, Wimbledon 2010″ was accepted as part of this year’s 120 image exhibition.  Duncan is a Fellow of The Royal Photographic Society; his images have prevoiously been accepted for the 2007 and 2009 exhibitions.

  Duncan Grove FRPSp876413492-3

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) 154th 2011 fellow of the royal photographic society fellowship of the royal photographic society frps image images international print exhibition news https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/7/Duncan-attends-the-opening-of-The-Royal-Photographic-Society-s-154th-International- Thu, 14 Jul 2011 06:41:38 GMT
Duncan’s Wimbledon 2011 images now available to view. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/7/Duncan-s-Wimbledon-2011-images-now-available-to-view- July 2011.  Duncan has just ended a very enjoyable two weeks shooting the Wimbledon Tennis Championships 2011 as an accredited photographer.  Galleries of his images are available to view and download at http://www.duncangrove.com/2011-wimbledon-tennis.

Novac Djokovic, Wimbledon Champion 2011.p709741614-4

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) accredited fellow of the royal photographic society fellowship frps image images news official photographer photo photographer pic picture professional tennis wimbledon tennis championships 2011 https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/7/Duncan-s-Wimbledon-2011-images-now-available-to-view- Mon, 04 Jul 2011 04:24:12 GMT
Duncan’s Wimbledon tennis Championships 2011 images now online! https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/7/duncan-s-wimbledon-2011-images-now-online Wimbledon_3_July2011_ppauk2372-EditWimbledon_3_July2011_ppauk2372-EditWimbledon_3_July2011_ppauk2372-Edit Duncan has just ended a hectic yet very enjoyable two weeks shooting the Wimbledon Tennis Championships 2011 as an accredited photographer.  Galleries of his images are available to view and download at http://www.duncangrove.com/2011-wimbledon-tennis.

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) 2011 accredited championships fellow fellowship frps image images of official photo photographer photographic pic picture professional royal society tennis the wimbledon https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/7/duncan-s-wimbledon-2011-images-now-online Sun, 03 Jul 2011 22:00:00 GMT
Tunisian magazine commissions Duncan to shoot their country’s star player at The Wimbledon Cham https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/6/Tunisian-magazine-commissions-Duncan-to-shoot-their-country-s-star-player-at-The-Wi Ons Jabeurp528493151-2 June 2011.  Tunisia’s leading youth lifestyle magazine “L’étudiant” has been following with pride the progress of Tunisia’s Junior Girl tennis player Ons Jabeur.  They describe her as “simple, sociable and determined” and as representing the hopes of Tunisian youth following the recent revolution.  These characteristics led her to become Girls’ Champion at last month’s French Open and the eyes of Tunisia will be following her progress at Wimbledon.  The magazine intends to publish a feature about Ons and has commissioned Duncan to produce their front cover, an A3 pull-out and other match shots.


(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) accredited champion fellow of the royal photographic society frps girl's image images junior magazine news official photographer ons jabeur photo photo pro photographer pic picture tennis wimbledon tennis championships 2011 https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/6/Tunisian-magazine-commissions-Duncan-to-shoot-their-country-s-star-player-at-The-Wi Thu, 23 Jun 2011 03:53:10 GMT
Duncan awarded two trophies at the MCC Exhibition 2011. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/6/Duncan-awarded-two-trophies-at-the-MCC-Exhibition-2011-
July 2011.  Duncan’s membership of the Malden Camera Club was instrumental in assisting him develop his photography career and he remains a loyal member.  At this year’s exhibition he was awarded the Surrey Comet Cup for Best Pictorial Print and The Rosebowl for Best Creative Print. Three other of his images were Highly Commended.  (Please click the images to view full-size.)
The Cambridge Blue Crew on a Practice Outing.p238253716-3

Highly Commended MCC Exhibition 2011.


No 1 Court at Dusk, The Wimbledon Tennis Championships 2010. Click to view.p85119602-4

Highly Commended MCC Exhibition 2011.

Serena Williamsp509061344-2

Awarded The Rosebowl for Most Creative Print MCC Exhibition 2011.


Serena Williams Wimbledon 2010p463229414-3

Highly Commended MCC Exhibition 2011.

Jarkko Nieminen, Wimbledon 2010. (Click to see image.)p207296604-3

Awarded Surrey Comet Cup for Best Pictorial Print



(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) accredited boat race 2011 fellow of the royal photographic society fellowship fellowship of the royal photographic society frps image images news official photographer oxford & cambe=ridge photo photographer photos pic picture professional the royal photographic society universities xchanging https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/6/Duncan-awarded-two-trophies-at-the-MCC-Exhibition-2011- Wed, 22 Jun 2011 08:13:52 GMT
Duncan appointed Official Event Photographer for the ROWE British Squash Grand Prix 2011. https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/5/duncan-official-photographer-for-the-rowe-british-squash-grand-prix-2011 DSC_9835-EditDSC_9835-Edit15 Sep 2010. [8] David Palmer (AUS) [black shirt] bt [12] Aamir Atlas Khan (PAK) 11-4, 11-4, 9-11, 11-6 (53m). ROWE British Squash Grand Prix, Manchester.

To be held at The National Squash Centre, Sportcity, Manchester between 19 and 25 September 2011, the ROWE British Squash Grand Prix 2011 will be the first European Super Series event on the restructured Professional Squash Association (PSA) World Tour and boasts the largest prize money offered by any World Tour ranking event in Europe.

Incredibly fast action, low, strangely-coloured light levels and limited shooting locations, coupled with the necessity to shoot through thick glass walls, all conspire to make squash an especially challenging sport to photograph.

Duncan will be Official Event Photogrpher for the second consecutive year and will again be attempting to capture the action using equipment and techniques not commonly seen around squash courts.

Duncan’s images from every match played at the 2010 event can be seen here .  Many have been published in International Squash Magazine.

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) 2010 2011 accredited british centre event fellow fellowship frps grand image images international isportgroup magazine manchester national of official photographer photographic photos pic picture prix professional rowe royal society squash the https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/5/duncan-official-photographer-for-the-rowe-british-squash-grand-prix-2011 Sun, 01 May 2011 21:45:00 GMT
2011 Oxford and Cambridge Universities Boat Race now online! https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/3/2011-oxford-and-cambridge-universities-boat-race-now-online 24 March 2011. The Xchanging Oxford & Cambridge Universities Boat Race 2011 - Tideway week practice outings.

Duncan has just spent a very pleasant three days shooting  the 2011 Xchanging Oxford and Cambridge Universities Boat Race as an accredited photographer.  (His second consecutive year at what is one if his favourite sporting events.)  The Thursday and Friday of Tideway Week produced some glorious March weather.  What could be better than bobbing about on a boat, in the sunshine, camera in hand and the spectacle of practice outings in front of you?  (Such a contrast to the snow blizzards of 2010!)

The weather took a turn on Race Day Saturday and sadly the flat lighting did not help the images.  However, it was very exciting (the boats go surprisingly fast) and shooting from a media launch following immediately behind, Duncan felt as if the vociferous 250,000 strong crowd was cheering him on personally for the 17 mins 32 secs duration of the race!  Oxford won by four lengths over Cambridge, who were 12 secs adrift at the Finish.

Duncan would like to thank The Xchanging Boat Race and the team at Sports Impact for their hospitality and efficiency during the event.  Thanks also to the Cambridge University Boat Club for twice inviting him aboard their  ML AMARYLLIS to observe and photograph their practice outings.

Duncan’s Boat Race 2011 images can be seen here.

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/3/2011-oxford-and-cambridge-universities-boat-race-now-online Sat, 26 Mar 2011 23:15:00 GMT
Duncan’s talks at Focus on Imaging 2011 – thanks for listening! https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/3/duncan-s-talks-at-focus-on-imaging-2011-thanks-for-listening

Wow!  It would appear that some people actually do follow this blog!  Duncan arrived early at the RPS stand and said “might as well get on with it now, no one will be turning-up especially.”  “Oh no!” they said, “we have to wait.  People have been coming on all morning to check what time you are speaking.”

Duncan was staggered to have an audience spilling out into the aisles and despite the fact that he prattled-on for nearly twice his allocated 40 minutes, the vast majority stayed to hear him out.  (They were clearly very well brought-up and so had impeccable manners!)

Duncan regularly receives (very welcome) unsolicited e-mails in response to his magazine articles and blogs and always tries to reply to them.  However, apart from friends and camera club members this was the first chance Duncan has had to actually meet people who follow his work on his web site and blog – he found the experience quite overwhelming and bizarrely humbling.

He is very grateful to the people who swarmed-up after the talk to discuss specific points and for the e-mails he started to receive on his iPhone even before he left Focus on the first day.

The images above were kindly shot by various  great and good of the RPS.  You would think that these people would be capable of taking a photo without making Duncan look twice as fat as he really is but perhaps it is just the truth that hurts?    How come everyone else looks so slim?!

(Duncan Grove FRPS Photography) https://www.duncangrove.com/blog/2011/3/duncan-s-talks-at-focus-on-imaging-2011-thanks-for-listening Sun, 06 Mar 2011 23:30:00 GMT