Practice Outings OUBC & CUBC 2014-04-01. Today, the Press Launch mainly followed OUBC but tomorrow I shall have an exclusive position to shoot CUBC, including naming ceremony, Alumni etc. Thursday's images will be all OUBC, which seems fair! Click the slideshow button top right of screen for "optimum viewing experience" (to adopt Microsoft speak)!! Double-click on a thumbnail for a "gallery view" that provides multiple opportunities for you to waste your money buying my snapshots!
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Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:&, 2014, Boat, Boat, Boat, Boat, Bowden, British, CUBC, CUWBC, Cambridge, Cambridge, Cambridge, Club, Constantine, Dawkins, Di, Dudek, English, Gruetjen, Harvey, Helge, Henry, Hoffstot, Hooper, Howard, Hudspith, Ian, Ivo, Jackson, Joshua, Juckett, Karl, Laurence, London, Louloudis, Luk, Malcolm, Matthew, Michael, Middleton, Mike, Mortlake, O'Connor, Oxford, Oxford, Putney, Race, Race, Race, River, Sam, Santo, Sean, Steve, Steve, Storm, Swartz, Thames, Thomas, Thorp, Tideway, Tom, Trapmore, UK, Universities, Universities, University, Uru, Watson, institution, rowing, vs